Boston Robb

Passion is the Genesis of Genius

Russell Brand & the new World

I made this video because Russell Brand was quickly label “right wing”… though following his channels and listening to him through the years, you’d know he’s outside the political spectrum… to the extreme left - his words not mine. Though right wingers have become a large part of his audience… and its weird.

The conservatives commenting on my video on different platforms always are offended by my commentary & are oblivious that I’m making this list as a joke because Russell has clarified he doesn’t belong to any one label.
It’s so odd that the people who chant “F your feelings” are the first ones to be upset.

Crushing Poverty

Poverty is crushing and there is really not much help for a lot of people. Some have family who can help, which is such a blessing - says guy who lost his at a young age.
If you’re unfamiliar with Shayne Smith, he’s a comic. And he’s wicked funny. But more importantly, he knows and speaks about poverty with extreme accuracy.

The Green Room

The Green Room with Paul Provenza was one of the raddest shows… a buncha comics doing a round table. You’d figure with all the available streaming services we’d get more shows like this. Well, we can hope. Maybe they aren’t being pitched? Who knows.
check it out.

No Burnham

I’ve never almost cried from a stand up special. But Bo Burnhams Inside gets so real. Bo’s skit before “All Eyes on Me” hit. Btw now I love two songs w that title, Bo Burnhams song and Tupacs.

Virtual Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a weird concept, I’m sure it dates back to some pagan celebration. The pagans probably cleaned their thatched hut homes every Ostara Solstice to rid it of the winter devils.
But has the event been updated for the virtual world we live in? No. We need to recognize that our emails are clogged with Bed Bath & Beyond coupons, Presidents Day Sales emails, and alerts for every single social media post that’s ever happened.
And this Spring Solstice I’ll finally be getting around to a virtual cleaning.

That’s an obscene amount of emails.

Daily Revolution

There is no record of Harriet Tubmans birth, but we know she left this world on March 10th. I hope you will spend a moment to acknowledge & honor our America Shero.

That painting of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad by Paul Collins is over my daughters desk at home. The moment my daughter learned about “Moses” she wanted to know all there was to know about Harriet. She even picked Harriet Tubman as the subject of her first ever report in 1st grade.

It was rad to see my child so excited to learn about such important American History. And through her continued persistence in wanting to discover more, she taught me quite a few things. I loved being able to talk to my kids about the role their ancestors had during that critical period in history. I showed them our family tree and talked to them John Brown. And explained how vital John Brown was in setting an example for speaking up and speaking out. And how John called Harriet “The General”.

Harriet is an inspiration to my daughter. Born into slavery, The General was the most notorious conductor on the Underground Railroad. It’s said she never lost a passenger. During the Civil War, she served in the Union Army. Always an activist, she was part of the woman’s suffrage movement. Harriet Tubman is not just my daughter’s Shero, but mine as well.

I hope you’ll join us in remembering Harriet Tubman tomorrow March 10th.

Daily Revolution

If there were actual Radicals or Revolutionaries on the left and the right, then we’d have enough people for a Revolution. But the folks on the far right, are not radicals or revolutionaries… they just want their specific rulers to rule. They aren’t interested in disassembling the archaic systems, they want the systems to revert to the days where American Oligarchs had more power Over the system. Somehow the far right and mediocre right feel safer when the wealthy people have more control. They’re constantly scared - it’s why they all need guns all the time.
Why do most people get a gun? For safety, they’re scared of something.
But their belief of the wealthy caring for them is false… Dave Chappelle said it best - the wealthy don’t care about poor people, they care about wealthy people (themselves).
But fear will drive humans to search for safety in places they normally wouldn’t, and they’re easily convinced by lackluster propaganda peddled by 3 card monte hucksters.
And with the admittance of the scam out in the open Tucker Carlson & Ben Shapiro had both admitted to Tucker - lying and Ben says you start with your feelings then cherry pick facts to support your case), it proves my point the far right are not radicals nor revolutionaries but fear filled and fear mongering regimes waiting for their authoritarian.
I thought it be amazing if both sides of the isle could come together to agree our system of government is still an experiment and needs a massive adjustment in where power resides. But the right still think power should be in hands of the wealthy… not the people. Ironically with all their “my body my choice” (in regards to masks btw - idiots) they’d want a government that gives power back to the people, but they don’t… they just want an authoritarian who doesn’t care enough about poor people to allow them to destroy each other.
And with two sides claiming to have radical ideas in a political arena you’d think there’d be some cross over and agreement. And this is where the well becomes poisoned… there are tools propping up far right propagandists.
It doesn’t matter where you sit in the political arena - unless your lack character and integrity- we should all agree lying to make a point harms the conversation, it degrades the entirety of the discourse and should be called out always. We should also not use these liars “news” shows as having “some” basis in fact because then it becomes the viewers job to discern their lies from their facts - in a show promoted as fact checked news.

So if you’re far left in politics and have new Revolutionary ideas and radical views for how to renovate our systems - NEVER use an established liar to help validate your point. Even if the point the liar made was their rarely spoken fact checked point.
The old saying goes, if you hang around with a bunch of liars - people gonna think you’re a liar. And it may just rub off on you too.

Is Kanye doing his own Claymation?

Seth Rogen does his own pottery. So is Kanye West making his own Claymation videos?
Discussed on the latest podcast episode ⤵️

Really, it’s a whole new level of death threat if you take stop motion claymation classes to threaten your ex’s new lover…

I grew up in the 90s when the Tupac / Death Row - Biggie / Mobb Deep /Bad Boy, East Coast West Coast beef was happening.. and Snoop released the music video “Murder was the Case” when Snoop caught an actual murder charge. When the artists would hire lookalikes to stand in their music videos… claymation is… a new arena.

Daily Revolution

Taika Waititi has created some brilliant comedy. You may know him from his work with Thor Ragnarok, What We Do In The Shadows, or my personal favorites - “Boy” and “Hunt for the Wilderpeople”. His art has made me believe that the Kiwi accent is the most comedic accent ever. No accent is more ripe for crackin wise than the Kiwi accent, with the Boston accent coming in a close second.
And now Taika has a new show on HBO Max, called Our Flag Means Death.

Taika takes us into a new realm, venturing into the world of Pirates. And the shocking part of this mini series is that it’s based on an actual human & his life story.

Daily Revolution

Ancestry is a popular industry. Lots of humans enjoy tracing their lineage back in time. But at no point will any “white” human trace their roots to “Whiteland”.

“White” Americans don’t “come” from a physical place.. there’s no “whiteland”. It’s a created racist state (of mind). And there’s a lot of work to do, to undo.

Daily Revolution

One of my favorite dad jokes is…

Child - “Dad I’m hungry!”

dad - “Nice to meet you hungry, I’m dad”

You know I over use it because the reaction from the kids is irritation & anger, citing *dumb jokes. But it has forced my children to start saying “I would like some food”. So, upside?

Kids art is radical.

That’s a drawing of “Bluey” from the show with the same name. A radical kids show, which tackles many different topics sharing keen insights in a way children can relate.

More artwork I want to share with you… especially those working for something better…