Boston Robb

Passion is the Genesis of Genius

The banned Union letter

With all due respect, Howard Shultz whining about his monicker of “billionaire” on national TV is a really comfy problem to have. Though, like watching Howard eat corn the long way, it was just sad. Howard, it must be difficult & wicked lonely being worth 3.8 billion dollars. Maybe try diving into your obscene wealth, that always seemed to cheer up Scrooge McDuck. 

I’d like to you to close your eyes, now….. Imagine never worrying about rent, medical bills, the price of groceries, sick time, car issues, work scheduling you enough hours so you can “afford to live” (a disgusting phrase)…. Imagine your only concerns being the weather off the coast of the Iberian peninsula, to sunbathe on the deck of your yacht. 

We’d like to take a brief moment to give our respects to The Orcas in the Mediterranean Sea who are Orcanizing, and have joined in the class struggle, whale recognizes whale. 

Keep tearing it up, sink em all. 

All power to all porpoises. Salute 

Back to our billionaire meditation…. 

Imagine having sooooo much money, all your necessities & luxuries are met for decades, centuries even. Btw that money - you didn’t earn by your own work but off the labor of others. And then Imagine, with all the billions of money you have, being such an entitled billionaire brat that you fight against the people who help make you wealthy. You fight the people working to earn a fair wage (kept up with the current economic situation). You fight the people ensuring they struggle to afford basic necessities. While at the same time, you never ever ever have to worry about money issues because underpaying your workers ensures your obscene wealth. Howard, if you do decide to dive into your money to cheer yourself up, make sure it’s all nickels - that’s what Scrooge used. 

Imagine having that kind of power and influence, and instead of empowering people, helping people, you used your power to ensure your workers struggle & suffer. Knowing that YOU have the power to help, but you CHOSE to fight the people. It sounds like a fable Aesop would have written….. The giant billionaire & his political lapdogs who fights the people for their crumbs. 

It’s important that I must point out, all this comes from a lowly hundredaire. Someone who doesn’t know the security of tomorrow, only todays struggle. 

One day, this small startup company called Starbucks, worth 115 billion dollars, with a CEO who was gifted a 7 million dollar sign on bonus - JUST FOR TAKING THE JOB - the guy didn’t even work a day, just signed up & got an extra 7 million… one day this “little coffee shop engine that could” will be fiscally wise enough to pay its employees so they can actually afford to buy the products they make & keep the economy alive. 

If you don’t know… the elites with their millions don’t fuel our economy… the working class people do… but the people need to have purchasing power to keep the economy healthy, and they need to be paid correctly to sustain said economy…. now you know. 

While some people, who haven’t worked a day at the company earn million dollar bonuses, we watch partners go into debt because they’re underpaid and can’t afford medical co-pays or deductibles, people who have to miss work because they’re underpaid & can’t afford when their car breaks down, we witness people who are unable to afford groceries & gas because they’re underpaid, so they go without eating. And we must mention the stress. Stress from being underpaid is all consuming, but it also creates a fire. A fire that ignites revolution. While watching you complain about the monicker of billionaire, we go hungry so we can make it to work the next day. 

We are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, we are the communities struggling to survive. All of your parents must be ashamed of the suffering you continue to perpetuate. And have the power to alleviate. 

Howard, Scrooge would always dive into his money head first, alone with no one around. 

Our fight, is a fight against obscene greed. One of the deadly sins. A sin so deadly Jesus himself warned folks that you can’t worship two masters. And people show you what they worship by their actions. Our leaders have chosen to worship the money god. Their “free market” isn’t free, and it will never correct itself - because the market ONLY seeks profits, it cares nothing for the people who create the wealth. And yes, though we work these jobs for money, we encounter more broke folks, more partners willing to share their money to help one another out then this company has even shared it’s own time with the people fighting to negotiate better work conditions in good faith. Why? Because they’re terrified of our power and their greed fears sharing even a minuscule amount of their massive profits, their yacht money, that great grandkid trust fund money, that political bribery money. 

So we join the fight, for the people, to come together in solidarity to create a union… for us, by us, of us. 

To the people who claim they came from the bottom and made it to the top - only to now fight against the people at the bottom, you’re what they call a class traitor. Someone who was never truly part of the community. Lower than a cockroach. The ones who confuse money with respect. 

And to the CEO assistants, who must read their emails & protect the CEOs from hearing anything that may upset them, the assistants who create the “CEO safe spaces”, we are fighting for you too. 

Everyone who works should be able to “afford to live”, no matter what that work consists of. 

We salute all those fighting for the working class, the teamsters, ups drivers & part timers, the actors, the writers, the teachers, the nurses, the electricians, the laborers, the sanitation workers, the field workers, to all those locked up fighting for the people, the baristas & everyone striking for a better tomorrow. Notice we didn’t mention cops. And huge respect to the workers in France - we see you, thank you. Salute to all those who came before us, who made it possible for us to be here. We stand on the shoulders of giants. 

Abbie Hoffman once said “democracy isn’t a place, it’s something you do”… and we the people are inspired to take action… Tupac said “they got money for wars but can’t feed the poor”…. And We the people witness Starbucks spend millions of dollars paying their Anti-Union, Anti-working class, Pro-wealth hoarding lawyers but somehow always come up empty handed when long time partners who’ve helped the company earn those record profits, ask for a raise that keeps pace with the rate of inflation - or even at the rate of the price hikes on the coffee they sell… all of a sudden, Starbucks ain’t got no time or money for that… and we the people continue to witness long time employees earnings being capped - meaning their pay stays the same while the price of everything rises around them. 

How come we don’t see CEO earnings being capped? Or Shareholder earnings being capped? Why do they only punished the workers who create the wealth? 

People agree that the cost of things gets more expensive with time, but then refuse to acknowledge so should the cost of labor. 

Howard, Scrooge also made sure the coins he dove into were tightly compacted into an giant locked vault which he had a diving board to jump off head first. 

If you believe a company is progressive and prioritizes humans over profits, but workers are unionizing across the country…. guess what? It’s not the workers who are creating a miserable economy and work conditions, it’s you. 

We encourage all workers to join in the fight to unionize. We fight for the workers next to us, the workers who come in after us, for our kids and the next generation, for the older generation who should be able to enjoy life but can’t afford too, we fight for you. Don’t be a class traitor. And always keep your eyes open for class warfare propaganda. 

Respect to those who are with us,

Welcome to those who will join us,

Beware to those who fight against us,

For we don’t have much so we got nothing to lose. 

Like Fred Hampton said “You can kill a Revolutionary, but you can’t kill the Revolution”.